Gta 4 gay tony cast

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The LCPD believe her not to be involved in running the family, however they were suspicious of her friendship with Tony. Her father later bought her a pink Feltzer and she befriended Tony Prince, who granted her a membership to Maisonette 9 as she had failed to get in before. In 2003, she was arrested for being in possession of cocaine. Giovanni also seems permissive of her party-girl lifestyle, as she is spoiled by him and she has freedom to date and go home with any man she pleases.

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Gracie tells Niko Bellic during his test drive of her Feltzer that she was close to her father but avoided his mafia associates. Gracie was born to the Ancelotti family in Alderney City in 1977. 1.2 Events of Grand Theft Auto IV and The Ballad of Gay Tony.

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